Saturday, October 16, 2010


"On Friday, the Obama administration reported that the federal budget deficit for Fiscal Year 2010, which ended on September 30, came in at about $1.294 trillion."

What the hell was Dean Scontras talking about 13 trillion for???

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thoughts on Dean Scontras

1) I learned that I like Dean Scontras as a person, but not as a politician.
2) I wonder if he believes everything he is told, and if he toned down his views because he knew we are a mostly liberal school.
3) I liked that he seemed to think independently, but I disliked that he excluded information that was either controversial or that would make us like his views less.  Frankly, I would much rather him tell us his whole truth, not just some of his sort-of truth. The way he presented himself on his website, to us in class, and in his campaign speeches all contradict each other.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eanday Ontrasscay

Some questions I've come up with:

1) In reference to "Expose Horse-Trading and Cronyism in Both Parties" on your website, have you ever thought about being an independent? (Since you see both parties have the potential to corrupt)

2) You seem to really listen to what the people of Maine have to say.  If the majority of the state population wanted something that you were opposed to, would you be willing to vote for them?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ed Legg!

My reflection upon meeting Ed Legg:

a) I learned about Ed Legg and his views, and I’m very proud to have him as my town’s representative. I really like that Maine's a progressive state, even though I was unaware of this before meeting Ed Legg.  I don’t understand why we still don’t have charter schools, though...I also learned some about the candidates in the gubernatorial race.
b) I’m curious what the percentage of those who are conservative vs. liberal in the House of Representatives for Maine, and also for the Senate. I wonder how involved the Native Americans are (who sit in on the House of Representatives).
c) Hearing what Ed Legg had to say changed my opinion on the casino question.  I was originally opposed to it, but now I realize I don’t have enough perspectives on the issue to form my opinion.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Representative Ed Legg

Some questions I have for Rep. Ed Legg are:

Why did you decide to become a representative? (Running for election in general and/or as opposed to being a senator)

What has influenced your beliefs and ideas/why do you identify as a member of the Democratic party?

I can't wait to meet him tomorrow! He seems like such an interesting person. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

First Things First

Questions: Are you "conservative" or "liberal"? How do you feel about using this term to identify yourself?

There was never a time I thought I was conservative, but it was just a few years ago when I realized that I was liberal, a very strong liberal. My parents encouraged me to think independently, and it just so happens that I agree with their opinions.  Most hardcore liberals speak to me.  I would much rather spend my money healing people and saving lives rather than destroying them in war. I think women should have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, not the government. It's their own bodies, after all.  I also agree with socialism, and wish President Obama would push us further towards progress, because our system doesn't seem to be working.

I'm very proud that I'm liberal.  In an environment where being liberal is the norm, I'm not sure if I'd feel as comfortable if I was conservative.  Teenagers seem to be overly judgmental in a negative fashion, so I try my best to not think ill of people just because their opinions differ from mine, but the question does always cross my mind, "I wonder if they're judging me?".  For the most part I dislike labels, but in a culture where sentences must be concise and explanations short, we must sometimes resort to one-worded answers.